4 things I learned from working at start-up company

Kundan Kumar
3 min readApr 2, 2020
photo by assignmentpoint.com

It’s almost four years since I am working in a startup company and I am sharing with you what I learned here. I am trying to write this from 6 to 7 months. Here’s what I learned in the last four years

  1. Being honest with yourself

Being honest with yourself means seeing yourself clearly. If we are not honest with ourselves then we can’t expect to learn and grow.

When we are dishonest, we only choose to see what we want to see, but we ignore what we don’t want to see. This may provide short-term happiness or relief, but in the long-run It’s unhealthy and destructive. Sometimes It’s easier to turn blind eye to our problems rather than confront them face-to-face. Ignoring problems in our life doesn’t fix them. It can even make things worse in the future.

One of the most painful things about being honest with ourselves is admitting when we make mistakes. Only a person who admits their mistakes can learn from them and correct them. But someone who ignores their mistakes is setting themselves up to repeat them in the future.

A necessary part of honesty is being aware of our limitations. Understanding our limitations keeps us open to new information and knowledge. Being honest about what we don’t know keeps us humble and realistic.

2. Self Trust

Everyone in your life has the potential of betraying you. They may leave. They may pass away. They may make a rude comment. They may cheat. They may lie. They may disappoint you in many different ways.

The person you need to trust first is yourself. No one can be as consistently supportive of you as you can learn to be. Loving and caring for yourselves not only increases self-trust, it also deepens your connection with others.

Self trust means that you can take care of your needs and safety. It means you trust yourself to survive situations. It means you refuse to give up on yourself.

Trust is the heartbeat of every significant relationship,with yourself as well as with others. The relationship with yourself is the foundation of all other relationships.

3. Time Management

Time management is the key to success. If you are not managing your time well, there is no way you are going to reach your goals. When you learn to take control of your time, you improve your ability to focus. When you don’t have control of your time It’s easy to feeling rushed and overwhelmed. It can be hard to figure out how long it’s going to take to complete a task.

Good time management allows you to accomplish more in shorter period of time, which leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lows your stress, make more sound decisions, and helps you focus.

When you practice good time management, you leave no room for procrastination. The better you get at it, the more self-discipline you learn. This is a valuable skill that will begin to impact other areas of your life where a lack of discipline has kept you from achieving a goal.

4. Be Proactive

Being proactive means taking responsibility and actions rather than just watching how thing happen. This means control situations by causing things to happen rather than waiting to respond after things happen. People who are proactive don’t sit around waiting for answers to appear, they stand up, put one foot in front of the other, and find the answers. Proactive people are constantly moving forward, looking to the future, and making things happen. They are actively engaged, not passively observing. Five key behaviors involve in being proactive:

  • In order to be proactive, you must first develop foresight.
  • Proactive people foresee potential obstacles and exert their power to find ways to overcome them before those obstacles turn into concrete roadblocks.
  • Proactive people plan for the future. In order to make the best decision, you have to know where you come from, where you are and where you want to end up.
  • Proactive people are not idle observers, they are active participants.
  • Being proactive means taking timely, effective actions.



Kundan Kumar

Passionate software engineer with a desire to learn and grow.